The Largest Selection

Color Enhanced Air Plants

The best selection of hanging tillandsias

Check out our Clump Section

Greenhouse Grown

Spanish Moss

Top Quality Live Moss!

Check out our More Collectible Plants!

Rare Plants

Adding more Plants Varieties Daily!

Different looks and sizes available

Airplant Gifts and Accessories

Nice Assortments Available

Air Plants Packs

Welcome to Our Retail Shop

We are an Air Plant Grower and Distributor out of Santa Paula, CA. We have a passion for all things Tillandsia. Our focus is to offer the largest selection, and best quality of those plants in the marketplace.

New Infused Program

Harrisii Purple Infused

This is our latest take on Color. We submerge them in a non-toxic dye to get that spectacular color!

Our Nursery

763 Peres Lane, Santa Paula CA 93060

Mon - Fri, 7am - 3:30pm
Saturday, Closed
Sunday, Closed