Plantaflor USA, Inc. is a family run business, initially started by Gerald Enthoven in 2011. The business is currently run by Enthoven Brothers, Joey and Rick Enthoven. The company started as a Wholesale Air Plant Supplier, which at first only offered a handful of tillandsia species. As years went by, Plantaflor has partnered with plant growers across the globe to source high quality sustainable plant material. Along with acquiring these plants via import, the company strived to grow its own select set of varieties. Even using tissue culture to create uniformity and scale on select desirable species. 

Now the company is known for its customer service, high quality selection, and color enhanced program. We strive to make our customers happy, and only offer high quality plants, as the company has a focus of quality over quantity. Customers can rest assured when purchasing from our company, as we are large enough to offer unrivaled service and quality, but small enough to care for each customer. We appreciate what this industry has brought our way, and are excited to continue serving customers!